Monday, October 10, 2011

YTF O'ahu Concert 2011 Review

Aloha dolls!

So I've been waiting weeks to go to the first YTF concert EVER, especially since it was in Hawaii nei of course! And I must say it was worth the wait. The concert was amazing and well worth the $80 price tag for VIP status. Each performers put on a fabulous show that was not only entertaining but also hilarious.

Chester See
Before the concert I did some research on this guy. Previously I had heard of him from the 'Nice Guys' song and Wong Fu Productions films but this kid shocked me last night. Although he was previously that kid that hosted Disney 365 on Disney Channel, he's got real talent in music and comedic timing. Chester was the first performer and sang on the piano perfectly for about 5 songs. He also made a few jokes in between each song to lighten up the mood including how much he adored Victor Kim's Butt.

Victor Kim
I wasn't the biggest fan of Victor as a singer before entering the venue BUT I have to admit he's got a good voice. I was kind of sad to see that he didn't dance as much as I thought he would but nonetheless he still put on a great set filled with the Spam song, a cover of Bob Marley song, plus other songs including a song he wrote and sang to a girl in the audience. Which was so sweet...I was so jelly of that girl!

Andrew Garcia
Wowzers. This guy. Wow. I didn't watch him on American Idol but I kinda wish I had now. I was amazed by his voice and that he could make EVERY SINGLE person in the theater quiet with his singing...he was that good. Most of the songs he performed were covers of Justin Bieber, Chris Brown, Maroon 5, etc. but his renditions of covers were so unique it was crazy. Speaking of crazy, he sang that song and it blew me away. He also made tons of jokes throughout his set plus his turtle face.

I met this guy last year while he was in Hawaii for World of Dance. He was so sweet back then and still sweet today. I'm glad I got to see him perform all his dance moves to songs by Beyonce, Justin Bieber, etc.  Plus he actually did a dance duet with one of the guy dancers from the 24/7 dance force! So great to see him dance with young talent. 

JR Aquino
Okay, this guy had the best set of the night. Hands down blew me away with every song which included the usual "handle with care", "by chance", and he even covered Lil' Wayne's "how to love". But the part that broke me down and made me cry my eyes out was when he sang "save this". He explained that the song was especially hard at this moment because he was going through a recent and tough breakup that happens when a relationship is one sided. He then proceeded to sing awesomely until the last chorus when he started choking up and could barely finish the song. It broke my heart to see him tearing up and turning around to hide his pain that everyone could obviously see while sitting there. Afterwards he sang the rest of his set perfectly.

*Although at the meet and greet afterwards, I told him that while singing that song he made me cry. He apologized and without hesitation stood up and gave me the biggest hug and told me that "everything will be alright" * :)

Hosts Ryan Higa and Kevin Wu
These two are my favorite Youtubers and was so stoked to finally meet Kevin (because I already met Ryan last year at World of Dance too!). They did there usual routines of the BEST crew act in the middle of the show and Nice Guys at the end. Wish I could of seen more of them in between each performing act but hey I'll take what I got cause the show was great and every minute was entertaining.

My only con to the concert was that the venue didn't allow the audience to record video and only take pictures. ARE YOU SERIOUS? This is a concert about the famous faces behind Youtube...How are you gonna not allow us to record videos? Anyways my seat was dead center in the middle of the row so they couldn't stop me!

If you get the opportunity to see this show when they come to your it. The variety in entertainment that the shows offers is worth the money. Mahalo for an awesome night boys.
